The Basement Office

The Basement Office

Since I’ll be doing a considerable amount of freelance writing nowadays, I’ve finally tackled one of my dreams: creating a chic, functional office area!  (For those of you who haven’t visited our condo yet, you’ll know that my main computer is in the living room where it serves as a picture frame and jukebox when company is over.  Not a great place for brainstorming, researching, and writing!)

I didn’t take any “Before” pictures as the basement was pretty horrendous, but I’m really pleased with the outcome.  I worked on several projects there this afternoon and felt really satisfied.  Since my budget was really low (under $100, and as close to $0 as possible), I couldn’t do major renovations.  I think my little bits of TLC worked wonders, though.

What do you think of my new office area?  Any more decoration suggestions?  I’d love to hear from you!

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