A Visit to Camden, Maine
We had a great day exploring a new spot: Camden, Maine! A beautiful day filled with cool breezes, warm memories and fantastic shopping on the water.
Word of the Day: Xeriscaping August 25, 2015
Words of the Day: Foremost, Azoth, Tutoyer & Boobook October 7, 2014
Word of the Day: Chutzpa December 17, 2014
Word of the Day: Rusticate August 26, 2014
The Ephrata Cloister January 6, 2010
We had a great day exploring a new spot: Camden, Maine! A beautiful day filled with cool breezes, warm memories and fantastic shopping on the water.
Today at work, one of my writers gave me a great musical tip. As a self-proclaimed Francophile and lover of older tunes, I was taken aback by Dalida’s lovely voice and bold style. (How had I never heard of her before?) My first dabble–“Tu m’étais destiné”–is a really great piece that features the singer’s vocal […]