A tiny acorn cap from our hike today
Dave and I took a great two-hour hike at Pyramid Mountain Natural Historic Area in Morris County today. It was a perfect day to be on the trails–about 70-degrees, sunny, and with a nice cool breeze at the overlooks. The foliage was just beginning, and we were treated to quite a natural show! At one of the overlooks, we could even see Manhattan in the very far distance.
The trails were moderate, and there was some climbing involved. The hike takes you up a mountain and right back down, so it requires a good degree of determination and physical prowess. The whole time, the forest smelled of tannic acid, the smell of fallen leaves. Doesn’t that always remind you of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and lazy fall weekends?
Afterward, we had lunch at Rosa’s in nearby Boonton, NJ. It was a nice little place, and it was great to eat on the very hilly Main Street there. The town is quaint and was bustling today–a great place to spend an afternoon!
I hope you enjoy the photos as much as we loved the hike!