Images captured by Alex.
A Deep, Dark Rose
Snapped in the gardens as this beauty spun its tendrils around a tall, iron trellis.
Images captured by Alex.
The road that curls along Cadillac Mountain–the tallest peak in Acadia National Park–is a windy one. Lined with tooth-like shards of ruddy granite and frequented by cool, salty fogs that rise up off Frenchman Bay, the curvy byway is a treacherous route. But for those who wish to visit the tree-hugged summit of the mountain, it […]
Word of the Day: Xeriscaping August 25, 2015
Words of the Day: Foremost, Azoth, Tutoyer & Boobook October 7, 2014
Word of the Day: Chutzpa December 17, 2014
Word of the Day: Rusticate August 26, 2014
The Ephrata Cloister January 6, 2010