Before my grandparents moved into an assisted living facility in the summer of 2008, my grandfather prided himself on the dozens of bird feeders and birdhouses in their backyard. He would spot dozens of local birds visiting the feeders and nesting with their broods, and it always brought him such joy to watch these feathered […]
October 1, 2009
September 26, 2009
Last night, to celebrate the end of the work week, I made hoisin baby back ribs for dinner. They were epic. It all began on Monday when Dave and I went grocery shopping. While strolling down the ethnic foods aisle, Dave spotted the “Iron Chef” line of sauces and marinades. They’re endorsed by Fuji Television, […]
September 24, 2009
On September 12, Dave and I went apple picking with my family at Pochuck Valley Farms in Glenwood, NJ. It was a blast–here are just a few of the many pictures we took! Have you been apple picking yet this year? Tell me about it with a comment!